Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission


All Abstract Submitters must be registered to the Meeting (register NOW)

Abstracts submission  starts on April 1st and ends on June 30th 2012.

Abstracts can be submitted in English. Once submitted no revisions/changes will be allowed.

The whole abstract (abstract titles, Authors, Institutions, Abstract body. Figures, tables disclosures)
Should fit in a A4 page (2.5cm margins), written in Word format typed using single line spacing (font style: Times New Roman – font size: 12).

The document should include the following items in this order:

  • abstract title in UPPERCASE (please do not use abbreviation)
  • author’s first and last name (please, refer to multiple author’s affiliations with superscript numbers placed immediately after each author’s name);
  • author’s affiliation;
  • abstract body

Figures (JPEG and TIFF, only) and Tables can be embedded in the text.
Author (s) may indicate their preference between oral communication or poster presentations however, the Scientific Secretariat will decide.
The first author should provide Disclosure information at the bottom of the abstract.

Please, use generic names. Commercial drug names may not be used.

Check the spelling and grammar carefully. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.

Abstracts not in accordance with the above instructions will not be considered.

Authors will receive an email indicating the status of their abstract by August 1st 2012, along with instructions for oral or poster presentation.

By submitting an abstract the author (s) agree to transfer all copyrights to the G.I.O.S.E.G.
For further information please contact: infogioseg@aicgroup.it.

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Oral Communication Guidelines

Time available for each presentation is 7’ speech and 3’ discussion. Speakers must adhere strictly to the scheduled times according to program.

Speakers are kindly requested to use PowerPoint ( Windows). The uploading of DVD movies is NOT supported.

We recommend using “jpeg” and “tiff” formats for images. Other types of extension will be accepted, provided that they are recognized by PowerPoint.

Please download your presentations by using USB pens at least 2 hours before speech at the Slide Center.

All Oral Communication Speaker must be registered to the Meeting.

By submitting an abstract the author (s) agree to transfer all copyrights to the G.I.O.S.E.G.


Poster Guidelines

Papers must be posted within Thursday, 20th September at 9.00 am

Poster Panel size is 90 cm large x 130 cm high

Please remember (if you haven’t provided yet) that 1st author/presenter should be in order with  registration.

For further information please contact: infogioseg@aicgroup.it